Monday, February 8, 2010

Milo Monday 01

I've decided that Milo needs his own day of the week. Well, maybe it was him who decided, but it doesn't matter because he's been running rampant in my mind and taking over, so I think I need to let him come out to play once a week at least. So, every monday, Milo is going to give you a piece of advice on how to survive in [Kingdom] when you are out on your own, kind of like Julian will be.

This week's advice is on how to make a good first impression;

"Ya know I can introduce my own topic, eh? Aye, don't matter, you aren't tha one livin' here. If you are new tae tha area an' ya need tae find yourself some allies, I suggest ya make a good first impression. Tha people around here are suspicious o' everyone. It's what ya get for livin' in a place where shapeshifters roam among tha general population. They don't much like new travelers, so your best bet is tae keep movin' until you find a city where ya can remain anonymous. Hey, I said I'd give you advice, I didn't say you'd like it."

Well, I didn't promise it would be good advice. And in case you are wondering, no I'm not crazy, but yes, I do have characters running around in my head at all times. They do occasionally talk to me. I don't talk back.


  1. *cough*Neither do I*cough*

    Stacy says hi.

  2. Well, I don't talk back out loud. Also, Milo is currently cowering from Stacy.

  3. You know, Stacy's pretty used to people cowering from her.

  4. his voice sounds sexy, lol
