Friday, March 5, 2010

This is Getting Hard

I'm having a hard time posting every day apparently. Granted, this week has been chock full of insanity and running around. I can't really help that. Yesterday I was home for about a couple hours, but I was mostly getting ready to leave again. Don't get me wrong, it was mostly choice that I was out, but I was running errands, too. 

I'm apparently failing my own resolution. Then again, I knew going into this that at some point I'd screw it up and I was just going to have to work with it as best I can and keep moving forward. It isn't about the logistics, anyway. It was about doing something productive. It was about stepping out and saying that this is what I'm doing. I'm writing a trilogy. The end goal is in sight. This is just a means to remind myself every day of what I am supposed to be doing.

So, I'm sitting here, looking forward to the next couple weeks and praying that with the changes going on and the time restraints, how I will fit in this writing. I'll do it. Believe me, I will do it. I can find a way and I will. I'm still going to post here, I'm still going to be moving forward, it just might be a bit boring for the rest of you. Milo Monday returns next week. Hopefully Question Friday will, too. I'm hoping to have some writing done this week. That was the goal, but we'll see. With life happening at the same time, sometimes it just isn't feasible. It doesn't mean I'm just gonna wait it out. I just need to get past this next week. Then we'll buckle down for sure. 

Here's some info on Julian's beliefs. I told you that character profile was long.


1. Do you know your character's astrological (
zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
I’m not sure I’ve picked what month he was born in. I think its probably June or July. That makes him a Cancer. Even if I did associate anything about my characters with their sign, he is nothing like it.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
Religion and spirituality are very personalized in this world. I don’t see him is as much of anything other than just free spirited.

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it? 
Everyone with an education is sort of raised with a sense of ethics and morals. The more rural or corrupt the area, the less ethics and morals have to say in the way they live their lives. Julian has a very proper understanding of what ethics and morals are expected of him. It was basically taught to him, but of course there are certain things that are simply just built into him. As for compromising them, he will learn that there are situations in which morals will change.

4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent? 
He is indifferent for the most part. He hasn’t had a lot of run ins with people with vary different moral standards from him and so he doesn’t have the experience with it. He will learn that there are limits to that indifference though. He will come up against quite a few foes that back him into a moral corner.

5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them? 
He doesn’t have many because he is so sheltered. He doesn’t know what is out there to be prejudice about. All he knows is that there is a kingdom that he will have to take care of, he will protect and no one in that kingdom is exempt from that protection. He might change his mind later. We’ll see.


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