Friday, February 19, 2010

Question Friday 07

Yay for questions! Again, a great list of questions that will give you just a little more insight to what our characters are. 


1. Do Milo, Galen, Sophia, and Daphne have any hobbies?Milo's hobby is his job, which is being a thief. His favorite thing to do is figure out if he can pickpocket someone without their knowledge and then manage to give whatever item he stole back to them without raising suspicion. Galen is an archer and actually quite good with a traditional bow and arrow. Sophia studies history mostly. Daphne's hobby is beating the boys at their hobbies. 

2. Suppose Julian was approached by robbers and asked to come with them to undertake a special ritual. They swear that he will not lose his life or feel any lightening of his pockets. There is also the side benefit that no robbers in their widespread multinational thief society will ever rob him. What would Julian do at the start of his quest? Would his reaction change at all by the end?
Honestly, this sounds very much like what Milo does when he first meets Julian. I mean, it isn't exactly, but there's some stupid plot that goes on and Julian somehow gets sucked into. In the case that it wasn't Milo and just random robbers, Julian would seriously consider this ritual, so long as it doesn't get in the way of his plans or take him too far from where he is going. However, at the end of his quest, Julian would bargain with them and be much smarter about it.

3. Who, of the characters you've named here so far, is the most likely to:
- panic hilariously in an emergency? Milo and Julian
- be the voice of reason? The Triplets or Sophia
- come up with the action plan? Galen or Daphne, though possibly both with conflicting plans.
- patch up the wounded? Daphne and Sophia
- perform feats of derring doe?
- win a dance competition? Galen for sure!
- give the best relationship advice? Sophia, though it would be lacking all emotional advice and be logical
- give the best directions to get to any place imagineable? Benny the Hunter
- drink everyone else under the table and then some? Milo
- have a fun or unusual phobia? What is it? Milo and he's afraid of losing track of time.
- quote poetry?

4. Would Julian ever play drinking games? If he would/does, what's his favourite?

Yes, he would. His favorite probably involves taking a drink every time in a speech his father addresses the people as 'friends' or 'brothers.' I'm sure there's lots of other rules. You can just imagine Julian and Galen absolutely plastered by the end of the Kings addresses to the public.

5. If you suddenly were given a million dollars, what would you do?
First, I'd pay off debts. Then I would help pay off my parent's debts. I'd ration a small amount for a vacation and the rest would go into savings. 


Thanks for reading! Some of these were fun to answer since they were pretty hilarious. I swear, Milo cracks me up all the time. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. 


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