Monday, January 4, 2010

The Story Begins

I like the fact that my first post happened on a Friday and I didn't have to post again until Monday. I swear it wasn't intentional, but that is just how it worked out. At any rate, it gave me some time to try and plan out the week's posts, though I can't say I really know how it will all play out, we'll see.

Business first. Here's what you can expect each week. I will be posting character descriptions, summaries, plot ideas and creature legends. I will be giving you little glimpses into the world that I am creating as I come up with it. I encourage comments and responses to what I post and if you are an artist or just a fan, please feel free to create your own art! Use my stuff as your inspiration for things. If you have an account on Deviant Art, let me know and I can watch you too.

Now onto the fun stuff. I'm sure you are all wondering what the heck this whole thing is even about and why you should be interested in this whole 'steampunk' thing. Well, how about I give you a teaser. If I was going to write something to go on the back of the book, this is what it would say;

"On a quest for honor and the crown, Prince Julian Therius de Arques III will be the reluctant hero of his kingdom. His father, King de Arques II, will pass his crown to his son only after he has completed his quest. The sheltered Prince can only use his limited knowledge of the world around him to seek out the Oracle, a wise man who borders on legend. The world is cruel outside his castle walls and just when Julian believes he can complete the first stage of his pilgrimage, he is being tracked by a notorious sky pirate, bounty hunter and assassin. With no allies, but his unlikely con-artist sidekick Milo, he will face theives, sirens and hellhounds around every corner. His journey into the corrupt world outside is only proving to be a grander adventure than he would have ever asked for."

So, that is something like how it would go and that will give you a good idea of what to expect in the first book in particular. Our hero, Julian, must embark on a journey he wants no part of, but must complete due to his royal responsibilities. Tomorrow you will hear more about our protagonist.

And now for a poll! What is your favorite mythological creature? Respond in the comments!


  1. I really like what you're doing here! I hope you keep with it because steampunk has fascinated me for a few years.

    My favourite mythological creature would be either the sphinx or the gorgons. The pegasus ranks pretty highly, too!

  2. oooooooo aaaaaaaaaah.
    That sounds amazingly cool so far, lex! And you know how fond I am of the name Julian, so bonus points! It definitely sounds like a book concept that I'd be willing to buy!

    As for your poll question, I'd have to say my favorite mythological creature is Charbydis, the evil, carnivorous whirpool from "The Odyssey", because think how badass a carnivorous whirlpool sounds... exactly.

  3. haha, you two are funny. Thanks for commenting too! It helps bring attention and start the conversation.

    My favorite mythological creature is sirens. I just love them.

  4. Oh I love it! I will definately be buying this when it comes out.

    Hmmm favorite mythological creatures... I would say Pegasus and sphinx. Though really anything having to do with Egyptian or Greek Mythology interests me.

  5. Oh, oh, oh! Lex, I forgot about dragons. They're among my favourites, too!

    I'm so indecisive...

  6. Pegasus is amazing. I love that one. And dragons have a lot of their own stories, so obviously they bring the awesome
