Friday, January 29, 2010

Question Friday 04

Coming to you late because it was a busy day and then I napped for like, three hours. I was tired! It was an early start! Anyway, here they are. Lots of Julian questions today.


1. So, What's your favourite flower?
My favorite flowers are lilies and hibiscus. I like big, open looking flowers that don't have a lot of petals. They also come in vibrant colors, so that makes me super excited and happy. 

2. Do the de Arques ladies have favourite flowers? Oh, do the god/goddesses represented so far have any flora/fauna associations that might be relavent to characterization?
This cracks me up for some reason. I haven't actually thought about the use of flowers, though that would be a fun little easter egg to hide in there huh? I'm sure there will be a mention of flowers for the ladies at some point. I already have the queen in peacock colors because Hera is represented by the peacock. So, you can see that I do like to have those things in there. 

3. What is Julian's favourite kind of weather?
Sunny, dry, clear out. He likes being able to go out and play sports or go on a ride (I'm sure there's some motorized vehicle he cruises around on that I've yet to create) or go hunting. He does like being outdoors so any weather that allows him to do that. You can bet there will be plenty of rainy, stormy days on his quest because I am in fact evil.

4. What would an ideal/perfect day for Julian be?
Probably all of the above in question three. He'd wake up late, have no plans, call up his closest friend and they would go out riding or hunting or just causing trouble. I see the two of them would probably often get themselves into trouble around the castle. Julian is a bit of a big kid and he's clinging to his youth as best he can. 

5. Does Julian have a favourite childhood memory?
Yes, and it was the day he hit his first target with his crossbow. He loves that thing like it's his own leg. I mean, the guy would die if he didn't have it. It's a family heir loom, given to him by his grandfather. He got it at a young age, but his mother wouldn't really let him use it until he was a bit older. His father then taught him to use it and the first time he ever hit the center of his target, he was sold. It's a memory that reminds him of being a child, while still growing up. 

6. Do you like cheese?
Yes, yes I do. Cheese is amazing. It goes with so many things. It can even be melted on apple pie if you ask my grandmother... I suggest you don't ask her.

7. Does Julian have a special weapon or skill to help him on his quest, or must he depend on his own wits?
All heirs are taught to fight with and without weapons. He can defend himself thoroughly, otherwise they wouldn't trust the poor guys out in the world alone. It's part of growing up for them. He's also incredible with his crossbow. It's the only real skill he obtained naturally. Because he's only so experienced in the ways of the world, he doesn't really know what he's capable of and this quest will put him in situations where he has to explore that. He will heavily rely on others and that is also a lesson that is being taught to him; diplomacy and trust. 

So that's that. See you next week! LL&P

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