Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Woman's Role

Post is coming at you early today. I babysit and it makes it hard to post and watch a three-year-old at the same time. It can be done if needed, but I may as well get it out of the way if I can. Not out the way, because I'm enjoying this, even with so few followers at the moment. I'm trying to decide how to continue on with next week's posts. Today, I think I'm going to do a little backtracking, since there was a few questions about passing the crown yesterday and I want to clear that up.

Also, I am dubbing Fridays as 'Question Fridays,' which means on Thursday you can comment on the post and ask me a question. It can be about me personally, characters, the whole steampunk world, my version of it and I'll even let you ask completely random questions about whatever comes to mind. Hopefully you keep them appropriate. We'll see how well that goes over.

On to business,

There was a few questions regarding passing the crown and what that entails for any daughters of the royal family. I wanted to clarify, firstly, that just because the crown cannot pass to a female heir first, and must pass to a male, does not mean that women in this world are less than men. It is due to part tradition and part logic that the heir is preferably a male. The reason I call it logic is that, though I believe that women can do anything men can do, it doesn't mean they were meant to do anything men can do. I agree that a woman can rule a country. Look at Queen Elizabeth for example. She was the best thing to happen to England in God know's how long. However, I do also believe that men have a very strong nature for ruling, leading, and making intense decisions that blanket over a large majority.

Do not mistake me, I am a very strong willed woman and I like to be in charge. I also believe that in this case, where the world is based in a very traditional world with old world social structures, it makes sense for the men to take the crown before the women.

I was also asked to clarify the laws that govern the crown being passed to a daughter. In the case that either the son(s) fail to finish the quest, or there aren't any sons, the crown is passed to a daughter. I'm still working out details of what this ritual is. I know it involves her being courted by various surrounding princes. At any rate, she must take a suitor, at which point she marries and then can take the crown.

One thing that is unique about this aspect of the passing the crown is that it is a very political move. It is extremely strategic the way that they choose a prince to marry the princess. They take into account the size, population, resources, location and various other factors before choosing. She does have a say, a very big say, in who is chosen, but ultimately, it is a chance for the kingdom (still unnamed, darn it) to expand in a positive direction. The queen and princess(es) can be vary important parts of the kingdom's dynamics. Women all over work and take care of families and function just fine without the help of men. Often times, women are more successful because men are weak... okay, I'm kidding, but there are women in positions of power in this world. It isn't uncommon and you can expect to see some very strong female characters in this trilogy.

One more thing, I was asked if this has ever happened before. At first I said only once has the crown been passed to a female, but I've revised it. It has happened at least three times. Twice in the case of the king and queen only having daughters and once in the wake of failures to complete quests. I think I'm going to write up a history for each of these. I'll probably post them too.

I might have someone to do some concept art for me! Hopefully in the future we can get some fun stuff posted for visuals. Keep an eye out for that. Okay, all done for today. This is longer than expected. TODAY IS QUESTION DAY! Ask me what you want to know and I'll answer them tomorrow!

((I am having major spelling issues today. Geesh.))


  1. How long do you expect the books to be?

  2. Also, do you like chocolate mousse?

  3. My question is, what sources/ideas inspired you to come up with your story idea?

  4. I'm very interested in the history of The Passing of the Crown ritual. Is it different from when the tradition first began, or has it remained completely unchanged since the beginning?

    Do you have any particular music that gets the gears churning on the STC universe yet?

  5. so, technically a daughter could.. say.. have her brothers offed.. and then take the crown without ever having to do the quest.. assuming she's the evil back stabbing type..?
